Sometimes I get so busy as mom (also Princess Leia or Rey around these Star Wars obsessed parts) that I forget to take out the camera for everyday moments. Truly, those are the memories I want to keep. Elias jumping on our bed in the morning…and writing me notes and drawing pictures that say “for mom” several times a day. My 7 year old Noah in his imaginary world – shooting missiles at the bad guys (and not listening to mom). Snuggling in their pjs reading stories (with me and to each other). But we are busy living life (as it should be) and miss capturing some of these moments. Whether you capture a simple video on your iphone or grab your point and shoot for few images…don’t forget to take a few photos so that you can look back and remember when they were this little. My goal is to capture more of these everyday moments that are not posed but just real life. I want to start getting in the photo more myself as well..but that is another post for another time about self timers and shutter release cables and getting in the photo even when you are having a bad hair day. One step at a time.
Yesterday I lived in the moment but still managed to grab my camera and 50mm lens for a few shots of decorating Easter eggs…and even got a chance to dye 3 of them myself. Final touches to be done at Grandma’s house in Northern VA this weekend – so the Easter bunny can use them to hide for the boys. Happy Easter Blessings to you and your family..and be sure to enjoy those everyday messy moments!
Elias was very patient this year (one day away from 5 years old!) and waited until the eggs got super dark!
Oh…and Elias’ birthday is today…so super close to Easter this year. I made these cute Easter peep cupcakes for his preschool class!